We hope to see you at one of our in person presentations this winter. Please click here for the full schedule and to see when we are coming to your area.
This winter we have three WA summer leaders going on the road and meeting with alumni families and interested new families.
Rohan Chaudhary
Rohan’s childhood brought him all over the States: Houston, TX; San Jose, CA; Boulder, CO; New York, NY; Cleveland, OH. He graduated from Dartmouth College with a double major in Environmental Earth Sciences and Biology, and is now living in Cincinnati, OH. Rohan first came to Wilderness Ventures in 2012 when he led right here in our own backyard. In one summer, he led Yellowstone Teton Explorer, Yellowstone Teton, and Yellowstone Leadership.
When he is not helping out at WA, he is pursuing opportunities with environmental consulting firms. He hopes to help companies save money and improve public health by diminishing their possible detrimental environmental impacts. According to Rohan, the best thing about Wilderness Adventures is the vast array of personalities and individuals that come together on our trips, both staff and students. And it’s true – with our base in Jackson, WY, we get students and staff from all over the country (and the world!), creating a truly unique and educational experience for our students.
When asked if he could hop on a plane and go anywhere in the world, where would he go—Rohan responded that he would head to the Philippines to help the Typhoon survivors in the recovery and rebuilding process. Similarly, one of his future goals is to travel and do service work on all seven continents. He’s been lucky enough to get to five continents so far, but is really interested in giving back as much as he can.
Fan Hughes
Fan hails from Augusta, Georgia, and is currently tackling her first winter here in Jackson, Wyoming. She went to the University of Georgia where she majored in Mass Media Arts and Speech Communications. Fan first joined Wilderness Adventures as a student on Yellowstone Teton and Washington Alpine. Then, in 2012, she led the Pacific Northwest and Puget Sound trips. This past summer, she worked on a ranch in southern Wyoming, and she’s now working at the Jackson Hole Mountain Resort—taking on those world-class slopes one day at a time! Learning to ski in Jackson is quite the task, but Fan’s super up-beat attitude is sure to help her through any challenge.
The thing Fan loves the most about WA is the incredible relationships that students and leaders form during their trips: no matter where the location, no matter how long the trip, no matter how old the students. Sharing every day’s new and exciting activity together, cooking meals, eating around campfires… all of these things create friendships that will last a lifetime, as it did for her!
Leif Newberg
Leif grew up in Boulder, Colorado in a family of travelers and outdoor enthusiasts. Family vacations included trips to Australia, Italy, Canada, Mexico, and Bali. When Leif was sixteen, he started flight school to become an airline pilot. It took years of training and study, but Leif earned his commercial pilots license and flew cargo for a regional airline.
Leif originally joined Wilderness Adventures in 2007 leading our Maui Kauai trip and returned this past summer to lead the Pacific Coast Bike trip. His favorite thing about WV is fostering a passion for wilderness amongst his students, as well as facilitating and bringing out their leadership skills.
Leif has just wrapped up his graduate degree at Colorado University in the fine arts with an emphasis in painting. Leif is also a co-founder of Vitruvian Circle: an organization that aims to bring together great minds from various disciplines. Its goal is to put on special events that include music, art, discussion panels, fashion, performance, or any other creative endeavor. His long-term goals include becoming an art professor, teaching in a university, and continued involvement with Vitruvian Circle.