At Wilderness Adventures, we are awestruck by our country’s national parks. From sea to shining sea, our students set out on adventures that explore these wild and protected areas. We work tirelessly with the Department of the Interior to ensure that WA students can continue to have these timeless experiences in the most amazing natural settings. To deeply explore the parks, as WA does, is an adventure in time travel, as we look at natural landscapes untouched through time. In our adventures, we develop a deep appreciation for not only our natural surroundings and the ecosystems of the parks, but also for those that made the National Parks system a reality for generations of adventurers like ourselves.
The concept of the parks, like the Grand Teton itself, has always provided a sense of wonder: that these lands, not man-made, will be forever protected due to the big ideas inspired in our country. When we find ourselves looking with students at Denali, or the Yosemite Valley, or the geysers of Yellowstone, we reflect on the majesty of the land around us and the ingenuity of the men and women who fought to forever protect these lands. That dual recognition, of the majesty of nature and creativity and thoughtfulness of humans, is what Wilderness Adventures is all about. We teach to appreciate nature and also to understand our role in making this world a better place.
From hiking in the Great Smokies to sea kayaking Acadia, from exploring in the Yosemite Valley to climbing in Mount Rainier, from stargazing under the Golden Gate Bridge or the Grand Teton to trekking across the Great Sand Dunes of Colorado, the parks are uniquely American and uniquely Wilderness Adventures.
Here’s to America’s Best Idea–