Situated on the western slope of the Sierra Nevada, Yosemite National Park offers world-famous hiking, backpacking and rock climbing opportunities. Yosemite is widely recognized as one of the most scenic parks in the world. This iconographic national park is home to waterfalls, meadows and forests that include groves of giant sequoias. In 1984, 704,956 acres of Yosemite was designated as the Yosemite Wilderness by act of congress. Within this beautiful wilderness of spectacular granite walls, lake basins meadows and forests, Wilderness Ventures groups backpack and climb each summer.
Unfortunately, many of the 3.5 million visitors each year only venture into some seven square miles of park land — never traveling into the most beautiful and scenic Wilderness areas that make up 92 percent of the park’s lands. At Wilderness Ventures, we are committed to introducing young people to the most stunning environments on the planet. We create positive associations with the Yosemite Wilderness with our High Sierra and California teen summer adventures.
On these wilderness adventures, students backpack through the Yosemite high country and rock climb the stunning granite walls that permeate this National Park. To learn more about our California or High Sierra Leadership Adventures, which offer unprecedented teen wilderness adventures into both Yosemite and remote areas of coastal California, call 800-533-2281 or visit wildernessventures.com.