Our teen service programs make lasting cultural and environmental contributions this summer while exploring the most breathtaking environments in the Rocky Mountains, Alaska, Hawaii, Costa Rica, Peru, Fiji, the Galapagos Islands and the American Southwest.
WV Groups Lending a Hand in the Fijian Highlands
Our first teen service project in 1973 consisted of replanting shrubs and grass on the shores of Image Lake in Washington’s Glacier Peak Wilderness. Since then, our groups have taken on ever-expanding projects, from constructing classrooms in the small villages of Ecuador, Costa Rica and Fiji, to improving habitat for endangered sea turtles in the Galapagos Islands. We’ve taken years to cultivate lasting relationships with cultures and organizations in need — places like the Navajo Nation in northeastern Arizona and the agrarian villages of the Andes Mountains. As a result, we’re proud to offer the most substantive teen service projects and meaningful cultural exchanges available to young people. Here are a few examples:
Costa Rican Sea Turtle Preservation Live and work in a sea turtle preserve. Help scientists gather turtle nesting information. Record turtle sightings and witness nocturnal egg laying.
Kohala Center Reef Teach Experience Hawaiian culture while giving back to the community and environment. Learn about this precious ecosystem, participate in on-the-water marine biology and work with the Kahala Center to educate the public in low-impact marine recreation.
Continental Divide Trail Spanning the spine of the Rockies from Canada to Mexico, the Continental Divide Trail is in desperate need of hands-on environmental support. Team up with the US Forest Service to learn about trail maintenance, watershed and erosion control and to preserve and help complete this national treasure.
All of our Community Teen Service Adventures give WV students the opportunity to earn up to 80 hours of teen service credit while participating in fun and exciting activities in the most breathtaking environments on the planet. For more information about these, and other important WV teen service projects in Alaska, Arizona, Peru, Yellowstone National Park, Fiji and Ecuador, visit wildernessventures.com or call 800-533-2281.