Wilderness Ventures has changed 1000’s of teenagers life’s! I am one of those. I’ve taken 3 trips with WV. South East Alaska, Washington Mountaineering, and Alaska College. The only thing I regret is not learning about WV sooner!
I’ve taken 3 trips with not a single problem! After my first trip I was very impressed with how smoothly everything ran and how well EVERYONE got alone with each other. It was an amazing experience. I thought it couldn’t get better. How could it? Well it did!
My second trip was just as good and same with the third. I doubt there are many other companies that people could spend 9 weeks with over 3 summers and have such a great experience!
If anyone is considering a trip with WV I would highly recommend it. Three years ago I was unsure of what I wanted to do in life. I now have a job of my dreams and wouldn’t change it for anything. In early December I accepted a job in Salt Lake City as a cook at a ski resort! Without the confidence gained from my summers with WV I could have never had the courage to move 1500 miles from Indiana to an unknown city not knowing anyone or where anything was. I’ve lived here a month now and without hesitating I can say this so far has been the BEST experience of my life, and WV helped me do it. Once again if anyone is considering taking a trip with Wilderness Ventures, I’d recommend it.