Field studies and community service adventures are a good way for you to venture out into the world, exploring all it has to offer, all the while learning about yourself and other cultures. These meaningful adventure camps are a life-changing and once-in-a-lifetime opportunity for you.
Here are a couple of Wilderness Adventure trips that can benefit you:
Field Studies Adventures
Field studies adventures are a good way to add a stamp to your passport, explore exotic locations around the world, all the while aiding local communities in these exclusive destinations through community service opportunities.
It is through meaningful experiences with communities and people from places like Australia, Africa, and Ecuador that you will become a global citizen of new proportions. From experiencing aboriginal customs, to teaching local school children English language skills to Maasai villagers, to volunteering at Amazon rescue shelters, you will walk away with a new appreciation for the world around you.
Community Service Adventures
Assisting local communities are not only rewarding to yourself, but the the people and the communities you are visiting. Through our community service adventures, you will not only lend a hand to the communities that truly need it, but you will form meaningful bonds with the communities you are aiding through cultural immersion.
While giving back is the main focus of these adventures, there will also be plenty of time for fun and exciting outdoor adventures. From Hawaii, to Thailand, to Peru, there is a community waiting for you.
Visit us for more information and for a full listing of our Field Study and Community Service Adventure trips.
Wilderness Adventures has been specializing in meaningful and life-changing adventure camps for more than 30 years. Visit us for more information today.