Since we are all now officially in prime camping season, we thought right now would be a good time to help prepare you for your camping adventure, especially if you haven’t had the opportunity to get out a do so yet, with these beneficial tips on how to avoid any potential camping mishaps.
Check your gear. Before venturing out into the great outdoors, it is always a good idea to check your gear to ensure it is working and useable. This may include setting up your tent, zipping and unzipping your sleeping bag, and checking your propane stove to ensure all are in working order. Let’s face it, there is nothing worse than gear mishaps in the middle of your camping trip.
Plan for the appropriate weather conditions ahead of time. Not only is it critical to know the weather forecast before making your trip, but know what type of gear you may need in order to be well prepared for those particular conditions. For example, be sure your tent has a rainfly, if expecting rain, or bring the bug spray in the event that you are going camping after a storm.
Keep a list. It is imperative to know what to bring, and what others may be bringing in order to avoid any important gear from being left behind. The most effective way to do this is simply by making a list. Be sure to take into account what items someone else may be bringing in order to prevent doubling up on potentially heavy items, especially when backpacking.
Get a feel for your surroundings. Once you make the decision to set up camp, it is critical to know your surroundings. This is key in preventing mishaps such as unwanted visitors from entering your camp or unknowingly surrounding yourselves by poisonous plants.
Be prepared. Before setting off on your ultimate camping adventure, be sure to do your research. Some places require permits, charge fees to camp, or require reservations. Be sure to be prepared and know this pertinent information before just showing up.
Wilderness Adventures is a leader in providing the ultimate in outdoor adventures for teens and families all over the country. Visit us to see what kind of adventure we can offer you!