This time of year is one of the most popular times to get outside and see what the Great Outdoors has to offer. Whether you take a hike, go for a bike ride, or camp, there is so much to do and see.
Here are some ways you can make the outdoors fun for your family:
Get your family involved. There’s no better way to bond with your family than to plan your trip together, especially when you ask them what they would like to do or see. If your kids are old enough, maybe even let them lead the way, look at and interpret the map, or use the compass. Not only is this one of the best ways to help instill the love of outdoor adventures, but you can teach them essential survival skills as well.
Plan and prepare. It is always a good idea to talk about your trip beforehand, going over your plans, especially if you are backpacking, camping, kayaking, or fishing. Adventures in the Great Outdoors can be intimidating and scary for adults and children alike, so be sure to prepare your family for what’s to come, as well as bring items that may be of comfort to them and keep them safe.
Have the right gear. When going on an outdoor adventure, it is essential that your family is prepared with the necessary tools for the ultimate experience. Everything from their boots, their bikes, their clothes, to their backpacks, will help to ensure a comfortable and safe adventure. This may include having other tools, such as headlamps, maps, and hydration packs in order to help them be fully prepared for their outdoor experience.
Wilderness Adventures specializes in providing the ultimate teen outdoor adventures. Visit us to see the variety of adventure camps we have to offer today!