We have had amazing first five days here on the Big Island! The weather is beautiful and the group is really bonding and coming together!
On Sunday, we welcomed everyone at the Kona airport and then headed to Spencer beach park to set up camp on the beach. Everyone got settled in and the next day we began the SCUBA portion of our trip.
The non certified divers have spent the last four days at Jack’s Diving Locker learning the basics of SCUBA diving and practicing their skills in the pool. They took their PADI tests yesterday and all passed! So they will be doing their first shore dive today and then a boat dive on Friday!
The certified divers have spent the last four days embarking on fun dives along the coast of Kona. Max, Eli, Claire and Jason have really enjoyed these dives – mastering their diving skills and checking out awesome wildlife such as octopus, eels, dolphins, eagle rays, and even sharks! We have two more days of diving and we cannot wait to see all that the Hawaiian waters have to offer!
Two nights ago the whole group embarked on a night snorkel with Jack’s Diving Locker to see manta rays! We snorkeled amongst clouds of plankton, which attract the mantas, and we watched the manta rays put on a show while feeding on the little plankton. It was AMAZING and the whole group really enjoyed it!
The group has been great so far! Each student is having an amazing time. Reid was our first leader of the day and he did an awesome job! He was able to set a precedent for the position of LOD all while making everyone laugh!
The meals have been outstanding so far as well – Nan, Peter, Mollie, Noah and Matt made grilled cheeses and tomato soup as a cook crew for dinner on Monday night and it was DELICOUS!
Tyler and Joel have really enjoyed snorkeling and swimming around at the beach at our campsite – observing tons of crazy wildlife and just enjoying the Hawaiian coast.
Blake, L.E. and Ava have loved getting to know everyone over the past few days and have actively and excitedly participated in their SCUBA lessons, loving their instructor, Sven! They have also cooked delicious and nutritious meals with their cook crews like last night’s spaghetti and meat balls!
We cannot wait for our first ocean dive today and to embark on the next phases of our Hawaiian Adventure! On Saturday we’ll be exploring Volcanos National Park here on the Big Island. Then we will set sail on a catamaran where we will be living for three days!