Are you looking for something different—are you searching for something more? Maybe you just graduated from high school or recently finished your first year of college, and the next step doesn’t feel ‘right’. Maybe the idea of committing to an undergraduate program just isn’t what you’re ready for. Don’t stress—this is completely normal and healthy. Wilderness Adventures can help!
Watch Yourself Grow
At Wilderness Adventures our WA Leadership Institute Programs are designed for teens and young adults aged 18+. We created Gap programs with the intent to give teens a unique opportunity to get outdoors and discover more about themselves and the world around them. From backpacking to rock climbing, our program activities instill growth. Become the leader you were always meant to be with the support of the WA team and these five life-changing benefits.
Increase Self-Awareness
Develop a keener sense of self-awareness from a gap semester trip with Wilderness Adventures. Through community service or chats on a mountain trail, you’ll gain a fresh perspective on your own personal thoughts and feelings towards others and communities. You’ll have the chance to try new things and navigate cultural differences. No one leaves a Wilderness Adventures Leadership Institute Gap Semester without an expanded outlook on yourself, life, and the world.
Build Independence & Self-Confidence
Everyone has dreams and ambitions, but achieving personal goals on your own can be hard. Our WA Leadership Institute Gap Semesters can help you learn how to take more responsibility for your life practically through a variety of skills. Our activities—from whitewater rafting in Missoula to training for a Wilderness First Responder Certification—will give you the tools to become more confident and independent. We teach people how to navigate the outdoors because these skills are transposable to many areas of life. This includes figuring out how to live on your own or pitching an idea at a job interview.
Establish Friendships
On Wilderness Adventures Gap Semester Programs, we will place you with a small number of similar-aged teens and young adults. Together, you’ll serve communities, explore territories, and learn how to lead. Over the course of time, you’ll begin to establish deeper connections with your peers. You’ll not only have fun together, but you’ll grow in skills such as communication, collaboration, and resolving conflict, as well as the art of listening and receiving feedback. Learning from each other can build a bond that will last beyond the time you are together.
Gain Focus & Clarity
Staying on a schedule and being held accountable on a team helps improve your ability to stay focused. On a Gap Semester Program with Wilderness Adventures, our daily schedule will keep you organized and build routine habits. You can carry these over into your next phase of life, whether that’s making it on time for class or getting to bed on time. By stepping out of your typical environment on one of our trips, you’ll have the chance to reflect without distractions. There’s nothing like mountaineering Mount Baker or exploring Craters of the Moon National Monument to help you gain a clearer perspective of what you truly want regarding career direction or life choices. It’s amazing how the proper space and time can improve performance and pave the way for growth.
Discover Nature Like Never Before
Life gets busy. There are always errands to run and places to be. What if you had the chance to slow down and simply “be” in nature? With a WA Leadership Institute Program, you can! Through hiking in the woods, climbing a mountain peak, and giving to others, you’ll begin to experience the world around you like never before. As you journey through the wilderness, you’ll learn the habits of a wave, the formations of a sunset, and how to care for the vast environment around you.
Have The Time Of Your Life
The adventure of a lifetime awaits. Give yourself the break from school that you’ve been needing and join our summer, fall or spring Gap Semester Programs. Our team at Wilderness Adventures can’t wait to meet you and create lifelong memories in the most beautiful wild spaces of the continental United States. The benefits of a gap program will continue to surprise you. Let’s grow together and get wild!